I have learned a lot this past week. I did a lot of writing, thinking and pondering of LIFE as us writer's and artists usually do. I have not only learned a lot about myself, but more aware of the World around us and somehow more sensitive to the needs of other's and more empathetic to peoples ways. The reason I write which I have never shared before fully is to help the Youth yes, but with what and why? I know when I was young a teenager or pre-teen, they were some very hard years, for various reasons. I read that in the 1990s it was the worse case history for Teen suicides. So as a writer...why can't I say why I write? To help me release yes, but also to help those who have been suicidal! Not an easy subject to talk or write about. Why then hide behind the reason for my writings, if I can't write about it or talk about it-How can I expect a young teen to reach out in the same sense.
Today I saw something that I will never ever forget! A young boy made a video, one that was very brave and a call for help! It was him saying that he was being bullied and hated himself but was not going to give up although he deals with this I would say tragic hardship everyday. It hit home for me, being one that use to be there. I must say this young boy is remarkable. The bravery for speaking up on a such a Taboo subject, one that I try to write about daily, but never pin pointed on the subject fully. One that I slide around hoping to be subtle and not jade anyone. This young man was in tears and was really at his wits end, not knowing how to return to another year of school as he cried. Kids are kids and always will be, the kids that are bullying him do not realise the hurt that this young man is feeling. Bullying has been around for many generations. It happens differently in different schools and differently with different peers. Some schools you don't see it, some you do and when you hear in the news of these awful schemes it is heart renching.
When I spoke up about my thoughts long ago of suicide, I was shunned to the side. Not by my Family...some people did not know how to handle it and had a life of thier own to tend to.
My Mother, Father, Step Father and Step Mother and Aunt I must say, put so much aside, to help me...I was and am very lucky and grateful for their undenying support!! Bringing me to tears now thinking about how I felt and how they must have felt knowing that so many times I was just holding on by the brink of an edge to get through a night, praying and pleading my way to feel hope once again, and I did! I could never forget how my Family stuck right to me, sometimes up all night just to see the light of day. How can I ignore and be afraid to use the word "SUICIDE" when it is still such an epidemic and tradjedy. It is a feeling of total helplessness, not being able to see your way through a difficult circumstance, not knowing why you feel the way you do, when everyone is saying there is light at the end of the tunnel-but you don't see it.
So as a writer and believer of LIFE I have to address the reason for my writing without skating around the issues any longer!! It is the saddest thing to see someone so young, full of endless possibilities giving up on themselves. Going through such dark times and not knowing who to turn to. It pains me to see the youth, especially the one today reach out on video and shed his tears telling his story. To every kid out there...if you do happen to read this...there definatly are better days, really I am not just saying that....the days ahead are more glorious then you could ever imagine. I have seen the days of grey and darkness and fought through them just like you. I have also seen sunny days, laughter, love and complete acceptance, fully being in the momment so excited for the next chapter. Keep up the good fight my friends, keep smiling, smile your way through every obstacle. There are so many days ahead that you will definatly be thankful for that you did not decide to take an alternate route. There is a reason for everyone in this life. Everyone has a special purpose. Know how strong you are and how you are so valued in this LIFE!
It isn't an easy discussion to say the least, it is not an easy feeling or emotion. It is not easy to show up to school day in and day out being picked on for no apparent reason. This young boy that I speak of is my hero, people like him; my inspiration! I feel sympathy, not empathy for the way these pre teens and teens feel....If you have been through any kind of heartache and pain like this, you would never want to be cruel or unkind again! This young man is going to make it, he said it himself he is strong and I believe he will make a definate impact in our World-he already has.
Reach out, that is all I ask....it is not a sign of weakness like so many think. It is a sign of utmost strength and love for youself. This young man will most likely forgive the people that bully him. Like I said kids are kids...always will be. The sorrow in his face and eyes were enough for me to route for him. Reach out each and every chance you get. OR make an oportunity where you can feel safe to reach out. It is hard, life is difficult-it is. The more you triumph the more you gain. You could gain spiritually, emotionally, physically or in any way....it is those that have rough waters trying to make it one more lap that are victorious. That one more lap just could be the one that gives you more then you have ever hoped for. We are human, we are made of tough stuff...If you have an issue that is causing you to much pain to bare, be the bravest you ever thought possible and reach for that hand. There are so many wanting to help, for real reasons....to grab your hand and get you to where you need and want to be! The first step is the hardest...and then once you do-you will be so surprised with the beautiful life surrounding you! Things will turn around, tomorrow could be the best day of your LIFE, wouldn't you want to be there for the BEST day ever!!!
I had to speak out about this, knowing that the past few years it is really the reason for me wanting to write for the youth, work with the youth and be of some valued support if I can. Like I said, there IS a reason for everyone. This young Man will most likely become something so great that this World wouldn't be the same withouth him....Each and every one of us has a place on this earth. Be good to eachother, speak highly of yourself, there are most likely many people who admire you without you even knowing it. Get up and try, with doing that everyday-tackling one more day each day....you will go very far in life! It takes one little spark to light a flame. There is Always Hope and Always another day. I realise the cliche's in this, but they are as true as Life itself.