I had quite the day yesterday as all was "seeming" to fall apart. I was not ready for this "type" of day. Call it what you will, but the day was slipping away and I was finding myself in a RUT, for whatever reasons. In my dealings with my illness, bipolar and anxiety...I really had to think my way through as to HOW to conquer the beginning of what I know to be as a RUT! Which could have gone two or three ways...if you are a sufferer of any of these mental ailments, you may know what I mean. SIMPLY- YOU REALLY CAN'T AFFORD TO SINK, for whatever reason...and certainly I was not willing to sink so close to Christmas and also now that I am 4 mos. Pregnant, I did not want to deal with any added stress...as a soon to be Mom, I am learning more and more how to really put my practices of dealing with anxiety etc. to good use...Things that I use to fret about; now, I have had to learn to just acknowledge shortcomings, or stress and move on with caring for Me, Our Baby, My Husband and Partner and Our Home. So, with that saying, it has never been more relevant, to unwind, nurture myself- in turn our baby, eat right, etc.
So the day was moving along, a little drab but not complaining. Then it was like I was up against a wall, a sort of triggering effect and I had to really absorb my surroundings, lean on my instincts and rise above the rough waters...before it became a RUT situation. I had an issue, dealt with it, am far better then I was when it hit-So as the day was unraveling...I HAD TO THINK QUICK! "What Would Make This Day Enjoyable"? "What Can I do, In "My" Control, That Could Turn a Rather Rutty Situation AROUND"? So then I went to it...!!!
Expecting our first baby, being 38 and My Husband 42-although I really do not believe age has a HUGE impact on things...some things...not all..SO, I decided to WRITE a MURAL on our Nursery Room Wall...
I saw it quickly on FACEBOOK...gathered a pen and paper..and GOT BUSY...My Step Father always said...GET BUSY...which I do often...NOW, creating a room and space for our child, is quite exciting and I find nurturing of myself, the baby-as well as grounding. SO there were these words and phrases that was posted on Facebook...I wrote them down and just as quick as I saw it, I imagined the saying and phrase on our babies walls for years to come..So I grabbed my husbands art material, paint, brushes, pallet etc. And worked nicely along adding a touch of fun and love to our babies room....
It took about an hour...I was tired after..BUT, Found that I now have a "NEW RUT KICKER". Basically, I kicked the rut butt!! My husband was a little caught off guard, but did not hesitate and let me do my thing...In the end..He really liked it...I forgot about whatever was ailing me, or anything that was on my mind...The Rut in the corners learking were forgotten and I had a GRAND sleep.
An outlet...it is really great to have an outlet..and this outlet you have chosen can and will change from year to year...it can be music, sing out loud, go for a walk, call a friend, be creative, read the paper even to get your mind on something else...IT may change over time...what did or does the trick now to kick your ruts butt, may not be the same in Ten years...You really have to adjust to what your needs are and listen to your body.
So just as the day started it ended...BUT now, with a quiet sense of ease as I walk by our Nursery which now has its own flair and many artistic touches that we both have created...I was not sure what to do at Ten Oclock at night when I was about to turn out the lights and was very tired...BUT thought...IF I leave this stressor dangling, then I am NOT going to get out of this RUT quick and painlessly...So I put my paint to the task and created something out of LOVE and NOTHING at ALL..as the song goes..
Simply, find an outlet...a good one...!! Doesn't have to be tricky, just something that is just for you...For years I journalised, then walked trails and hiked to get off my steam and put my attention back to a better level...there have been many things that I had to do to shift my focus and become whole..again...Find an outlet that speaks to you, guitar maybe, learning a new language....anything PRO ACTIVE and something you enjoy.
If you want to get out of that silly old rut, then simply kick it's butt by tending to yourself and do something FUN, ENJOYABLE, CREATIVE, STIMULATING...practice that and you will be able to go to bed soundly and whatever the issue/problem was most likely would be gone once the sun touches your face in the morning...Do this over and over..Until it becomes habit for you...where you actually say to yourself...not, OH I AM IN A RUT...BUT say...I am going to paint the furniture now..and off you go...!!! Enjoy yourself and others...be good to yourself and then others...smile often, sing often, dance often...JUMP around often...LOVE ALWAYS..and you can never go wrong...!!! If you are doing something from a pure heart, it will manifest and stay with you and radiate from you and onto others..what is greater then that...MORE people Laughing, MORE people Singing, MORE people HUGGING...MORE people Reaching OUT...and more people NOT in a rut for days, months, years...twirling about in an awful state of emotions...OUTLETS, do exactly that...They LET IT ALLLL OUT!