"Hey did you hear about so and so "........." Ya, I heard-it's awful! What? He jumped! WHAT? He was great, always smiling, always helping me with my Math, he was so smart, I had no idea, hey guys he wasn't that bad, Ya I liked him to
Careless words, do they hurt? The maybe - IT COULD! Do you build a thick skin, do you bow down and believe the careless words, would it make any difference if you stood up for yourself and stood your ground, do you shrug it off, start to feel bad, need reassurance, do you carry on and be a ...... Do you listen, do you become those Careless Words?
DO I? The answer is, I COULD, I have, I use to eons ago, there was a time, did it hurt me? Ya, once or twice. Does it sting? ONLY LIKE A MASQUITO BITE.
I have lived a life, coming from Toronto, you meet all sorts, all kinds of life, from every walk. You learn a lot living in a city, an inner city, the suburbs-Where I come from. You learn about the Joe's, the Jack's, the Jim's, the Lucy's, the Fran's, the Jane's, the Julian's, the Dominic's, the Graces, the Steve's-there are always a lot of Steve's. The Mr. the Mrs. the Miss and the Mam's. Growing up in a metropolis, you learn about the high roads, the low roads, the roads in between, the roads over head; and you travel them! Each day, every day...through Subways, tunnels, busses skyways, through traffic, through races, beating lights, beating time, beating the Sun and the Moon. YOU ARE A GOER, you GO, you GO, you GO and you Go.
Personally, seeing first hand about the angst, the bitterness, the misunderstandings, the unruly careless words. I am Luckily able to TURN any masquito-word, the one's flying aimlessly hovering, into my blessed gift of CREATIVE WRITING. Using MY HEART, MY PASSION and the CRUELTY I SEE AROUND THE GLOBE and I do see it, (I have to I am a Writer) I and WE Creatives turn this Careless word into blessed ART and nothing else. This masquito is conviction, it gives an edge and NO, we don't jump and EITHER DOES HE, nor THEY.
I have lived in many areas along the GTA. Actually, I lived in EVERY area in the GTA including Toronto, Burlington,
St. Catherines, Mississauga (my happy -beautiful home town) Oakville, Barrie, Thornbury, Woodstock and where I am attending right NOW-Stayner. I met City, Country, Inner City, College Town, Tourist Town, The Suburbs, high society, Factory areas, Farm areas, Beach life and a Ghost Town.
I met everyone that did not like, the one's that did, the ones that hated, the one's that befriended, the one's that stood by, the one's that got in trouble, the one's that helped, or the ONES THAT TRIED AND TRIED- and Tried..TO SABATOGE ME! Then I ask you;

It may, it could, it will, it does, and What if?
How about, we just stop wanting to hurt people? You don't know what they are made of, they may just create THEIR MASTERPIECE!
DO Words hurt? The answer is, No, you don't let it.