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Friday, 26 December 2014
Self Help Books for Kids, Teens and Family For any situation...
Here are a few of my books for sale on Amazon.co Amazon.ca Amazon.uk www.chapters/indigo.ca Barnes and Noble and My publisher in England www.chipmunkapublishing.co.uk And available in many other stores around the Globe.
Ebook downloads and Ready in your hand paperbacks. Enjoy reading, learning and growing out of frustration and into Self Love and Care for all ages.
Ebook Before You Were Born www.chipmunkapublishing.co.uk
Positivity Is NOT a Catch Phrase
It is not just about thinking positive and whoosh everything that was every upsetting in your life magically disappears. If it were that simple that we all just said, "keep smiling, turn that frown upside down now"...Then life would be very simple wouldn't it be? It would almost be to simple, to boring and not many learned lessons to be had. No, Thinking positive is much more about Being a positive soul from inside out. Not just talking empty words of positive stimulation. But being that positive force that not only touches you and helps you through many obstacles....also touching the lives of others. Creating a life force within you that radiates somehow, big or small onto everyone you meet. In so, creating a change within them, that motivates them too to not only talk of nice things, but be GREAT even in any adversity.
I believe today, people throw around the Positive message to easily where now I see that it is becoming a HOAX...When in reality, it is an all knowing that Everyday, is a great day, Everyday there is much good and not much bad, Everyday getting up excited even just to go to the Dentist. Everyday is worthwhile and somehow a lesson or two come out of each day all through Positive Action.
I find it easier to live in the Light of Positivity, but not all must rely on such a paradigm. No you don't have to believe, of course not. It really did work for me and for many others I know and hey, much easier to get through the day, week, month, without being bothered by the trivial or not so trivial matters.
For me, I had to for the last Two years, maybe more-get through the crap! There were good times and bad, very good times and yes very bad. Many times crying myself to sleep, many times happy to wake up to enjoy a bright and sunny day and sunny disposition. I know with all my knowing that IF I did not turn to Positivity without it being a HOAX or a mainstream classification...Then I would NOT BE HERE TODAY. IF I let myself wallow in my pity, allow myself to dislike who I am because of blunders or mistakes...If I allowed any more of the crap without using my positive tool light to guide me..THEN I WOULD NOT COME OUT THE OTHER SIDE.
It is not about one day believing, one day not, one minute smiling the next scowling every where you go...although it does take practice. I had to walk the walk not just talk the talk of positivity. I truly believe if we all did this, time and time again turning to our power within to Think, Be and Act in desirable light for you, and FOR HIM...then There would be much less upset, much less emotional scars, much less depression, much less suicide...Dare I say?
If you had the chance to save someone out of misery, talk them out of a dump and into a positive walking being, able to handle any hiccup along the way, Would you be that positive force to help someone out of dread and to shed light onto an unhappy situation?
We had a rough go for a few years, I knew about my faith in positivity...I had to use it, I had to teach it to my loved one, I had to fight everyday to see the hour of positive faith and to use that faith to lean on by any means...I did not say, "Oh I am positive in a fluff"..I HAD TO BE that POSITIVE change within ME, to allow the process of HEALING to begin for US. I had to look forward to everyday, no matter what happened, I had to believe that great things are here for me now and that I am blessed, I had to THINK good, FEEL GOOD and BE GOOD. Of course I am human and to err is HUMAN, I know though that my TRUE unrelenting force of positivity that I had to create and lay groundwork from years ago had to be cultivated, I had to shed that light onto my days of adversity to allow my loved one and I to survive.
One may say, "OH ya just think positive" such a catch phrase now. That is just to simple, it is NOT a phrase or a word to be said loosely. IT is a production created within to be HAPPY, Choosing to BE happy, choosing to think of the many great blessings everyday...Even if one is at their utmost worse...EVEN if the most horrific things are going on around or within you. POSITIVITY is NOT a catch phrase...POSITIVITY can SAVE YOUR LIFE and YOUR SOUL and MANY OTHERS!! USE it with care.
I believe today, people throw around the Positive message to easily where now I see that it is becoming a HOAX...When in reality, it is an all knowing that Everyday, is a great day, Everyday there is much good and not much bad, Everyday getting up excited even just to go to the Dentist. Everyday is worthwhile and somehow a lesson or two come out of each day all through Positive Action.
I find it easier to live in the Light of Positivity, but not all must rely on such a paradigm. No you don't have to believe, of course not. It really did work for me and for many others I know and hey, much easier to get through the day, week, month, without being bothered by the trivial or not so trivial matters.
For me, I had to for the last Two years, maybe more-get through the crap! There were good times and bad, very good times and yes very bad. Many times crying myself to sleep, many times happy to wake up to enjoy a bright and sunny day and sunny disposition. I know with all my knowing that IF I did not turn to Positivity without it being a HOAX or a mainstream classification...Then I would NOT BE HERE TODAY. IF I let myself wallow in my pity, allow myself to dislike who I am because of blunders or mistakes...If I allowed any more of the crap without using my positive tool light to guide me..THEN I WOULD NOT COME OUT THE OTHER SIDE.
It is not about one day believing, one day not, one minute smiling the next scowling every where you go...although it does take practice. I had to walk the walk not just talk the talk of positivity. I truly believe if we all did this, time and time again turning to our power within to Think, Be and Act in desirable light for you, and FOR HIM...then There would be much less upset, much less emotional scars, much less depression, much less suicide...Dare I say?
If you had the chance to save someone out of misery, talk them out of a dump and into a positive walking being, able to handle any hiccup along the way, Would you be that positive force to help someone out of dread and to shed light onto an unhappy situation?
We had a rough go for a few years, I knew about my faith in positivity...I had to use it, I had to teach it to my loved one, I had to fight everyday to see the hour of positive faith and to use that faith to lean on by any means...I did not say, "Oh I am positive in a fluff"..I HAD TO BE that POSITIVE change within ME, to allow the process of HEALING to begin for US. I had to look forward to everyday, no matter what happened, I had to believe that great things are here for me now and that I am blessed, I had to THINK good, FEEL GOOD and BE GOOD. Of course I am human and to err is HUMAN, I know though that my TRUE unrelenting force of positivity that I had to create and lay groundwork from years ago had to be cultivated, I had to shed that light onto my days of adversity to allow my loved one and I to survive.
One may say, "OH ya just think positive" such a catch phrase now. That is just to simple, it is NOT a phrase or a word to be said loosely. IT is a production created within to be HAPPY, Choosing to BE happy, choosing to think of the many great blessings everyday...Even if one is at their utmost worse...EVEN if the most horrific things are going on around or within you. POSITIVITY is NOT a catch phrase...POSITIVITY can SAVE YOUR LIFE and YOUR SOUL and MANY OTHERS!! USE it with care.
Sunday, 21 December 2014
Would You Give up Your Dream?
There is not many things I would give up on, for my Dreams to be fulfilled. I do believe things take priorities at different points in your life and things have set backs to some degree, to me a burning flame is a burning flame. It comes from within and if you dream BIG enough, long enough, with enough faith, surrounding yourself with the right people, nothing will stand in your way. If you are a goal setter like I am and a motivated individual, working towards your dream or goal with your motivation for the fruitation of it being realized, it will come true. I do know the other side to not having your dream fulfilled. One reason I get along with my partner and husband so well is because he is a goal setter, motivated and he to is following his path of his dreams being fulfilled. The other side of that is perhaps following the standard quo, or possibly having a goal or dream but following what someone else wants for you-not your own. That side of it, I know first hand causes a lot of heartache.
Imagine, having a dream your whole life-even a bucket list type of dream...but never realizing it, never even talking about it. When you go to sleep at night though, that dream is there in your soul nugging at you to come out. It is always with you, it wants to be fulfilled. Your dream wants to make you feel whole; a complete circle from the inside out; no matter how big or small...it is all relative. I have watched many people who have had dreams, told me what they were....gave ideas on how to follow that path of hope, after I listened I would say "Oh you should do that, you would be great at that"! Then always there words are, "Ya BUT, it would not work"....I wonder how many times someone told that person it would never work? When I saw the gleam and sparkle in there eye, I saw that person light up, I saw the person talking fast, that I could even almost taste what they wanted. I believed whole heartedley that they could definatley have there dream fulfilled, they though did not.
Would you give up on your dream and if so, why?
At the beginning of each new year elementary school, the Teachers would come to the front, write there name on the board then ask us as students, "What do you want to be when you grow up"? When they came to me I would say shyly although truthfully, "I want to change the world" They then would say "How" I would again shyly say "By helping people" I guess the Teachers knew right then that I would not be on the honour role for any mathematics or any other glum teachings. That is still with me today, whether I do it through my writing, or in small ways when I meet people out and about...That is what drives me. Ultimatley that is what I still plan to do.
Don't give up on your dreams, whatever they are...There are far too too many people on their path for someone else, possibly a parental figure or for what ever other reason. I know to well, how it feels to come home from yes, a job you hate, etc etc etc. Following a dream, is not hard work, it is already staring you straight in the heart and deep within you. Could you see Rocky saying "ahhh, no I don't really want to go another round, although it is toe to toe and only five minutes left until the bell rings"? If he ever had done that, how could he see or know what the outcome would be...EVEN if he did not win that fight. Do you ever see an olympian soaring down the slopes beating everyone's time and then to say, "Ahh it is too cold, I am going to go warm up". Last example I promise. What if you were building a house, a dream home for you family, if you only had 5 days left and the whole house would be complete, would you throw down your hammer and say, I have a back pain...I guess this house can't be finished...? NO none of this would really make much sense if this or that was your true passion and dream. I could see if you were miserable at doing something, you would not want to do it for very long and then find a way to hopefully pursue your dreams.
The question yet still remains, Would you give up on your dream? The answer to me is plain and clear as day..."NO that would mean to give up on life, and YOURSELF.
Imagine, having a dream your whole life-even a bucket list type of dream...but never realizing it, never even talking about it. When you go to sleep at night though, that dream is there in your soul nugging at you to come out. It is always with you, it wants to be fulfilled. Your dream wants to make you feel whole; a complete circle from the inside out; no matter how big or small...it is all relative. I have watched many people who have had dreams, told me what they were....gave ideas on how to follow that path of hope, after I listened I would say "Oh you should do that, you would be great at that"! Then always there words are, "Ya BUT, it would not work"....I wonder how many times someone told that person it would never work? When I saw the gleam and sparkle in there eye, I saw that person light up, I saw the person talking fast, that I could even almost taste what they wanted. I believed whole heartedley that they could definatley have there dream fulfilled, they though did not.
Would you give up on your dream and if so, why?
At the beginning of each new year elementary school, the Teachers would come to the front, write there name on the board then ask us as students, "What do you want to be when you grow up"? When they came to me I would say shyly although truthfully, "I want to change the world" They then would say "How" I would again shyly say "By helping people" I guess the Teachers knew right then that I would not be on the honour role for any mathematics or any other glum teachings. That is still with me today, whether I do it through my writing, or in small ways when I meet people out and about...That is what drives me. Ultimatley that is what I still plan to do.
Don't give up on your dreams, whatever they are...There are far too too many people on their path for someone else, possibly a parental figure or for what ever other reason. I know to well, how it feels to come home from yes, a job you hate, etc etc etc. Following a dream, is not hard work, it is already staring you straight in the heart and deep within you. Could you see Rocky saying "ahhh, no I don't really want to go another round, although it is toe to toe and only five minutes left until the bell rings"? If he ever had done that, how could he see or know what the outcome would be...EVEN if he did not win that fight. Do you ever see an olympian soaring down the slopes beating everyone's time and then to say, "Ahh it is too cold, I am going to go warm up". Last example I promise. What if you were building a house, a dream home for you family, if you only had 5 days left and the whole house would be complete, would you throw down your hammer and say, I have a back pain...I guess this house can't be finished...? NO none of this would really make much sense if this or that was your true passion and dream. I could see if you were miserable at doing something, you would not want to do it for very long and then find a way to hopefully pursue your dreams.
The question yet still remains, Would you give up on your dream? The answer to me is plain and clear as day..."NO that would mean to give up on life, and YOURSELF.
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