"I never knew when I was full, I felt fat and ugly all the time, I started starving myself when I was eleven years old, my period stopped when I was
almost thirteen. I became bulimic at that stage of my life, going through many episodes of starving myself and then overeating. I would head to the grocery aisles, pick up a package of cookies, then make myself throw it up." Ridicule from others for her weight was heavy and strong, where the pain she felt was too difficult to manage. The days of her youth were filled with torment, tears and temptation, all she could master to release her humiliation was to binge on delicious food items and purge it out.
I met Rodina at a healing moon ceremony that I was kindly invited to in November 2018. I was more than excited to meet her and thrilled to attend her class. Approaching the group, I noticed that Rodina enveloped a nature that embraced a heavenly tone, I could tell that this Yoga professional was highly attuned. With calm and confidence she leads her class with eloquent ease and gracious style. Her groups hold a magnetic form, where she helps others gain peacefulness, guiding them to find a path towards mending turbulent suffering.
You would never know to meet her today that this strongly serene woman with an angelic voice has ever lived a life filled so emotionally rippled with anguish, so much that she contemplated ending her life as a teenager. She knew she had to do something about her disorder that began at the age of eleven, for seven years she would suffer in silence. She was twenty when she stumbled upon something that would halt her intensity and change her mind about committing this horrifying act. She began listening to calming music, started to play music, learning musical instruments and developing her own sound, writing songs that were spiritual in nature, writing poems that would shed her heartache. She was able to cut an album with her own CD, called Reflections of Venus, with song titles; Crawl Inside and The Seed. Her voice and sound became her turning point. She met her passion for health and healing when in a department store coming across a DVD that read; "Yoga For Fat Burning." Never looking back Rodina began practising yoga every day, she noticed an incredible difference in her mind, body and soul, where she says; "Yoga gave me control of my thoughts, that along with my music proved to be therapeutic, I spent that time reading books about healing methods and practising them. I became more and more attracted to yoga."
Determined, she spent two years saving up for an accredited school for Yoga instructors at Georgian College, in Orillia, ON. She was losing weight, gaining a higher impression of her self-image, ready
to embark on a journey to health and wellness through spiritual development. She learned on her own through books and training about energy release methods, with chakra healing, protecting herself spiritually with crystals, she learned to ground herself with nature, using Reiki energy healing, meditation and essential oils.
to embark on a journey to health and wellness through spiritual development. She learned on her own through books and training about energy release methods, with chakra healing, protecting herself spiritually with crystals, she learned to ground herself with nature, using Reiki energy healing, meditation and essential oils.
She teaches all of these methods online and in group-class sessions, called Healing Ceremony. Online is a six-week course teaching how to do a Ceremony from the comfort of home that includes a series of self-care practices, including Reiki, essential oils, a singing bowl meditation, other guided meditations with a burning and release ritual. She tells me; "Chakra and reiki healing is important because it balances the adrenal glands, blood sugar levels, solar plex, and thyroid glands." She mentions; "Although all of these therapies have been quite significant over the years, I knew I still had a lot of recovering to do."
This is a woman who has seen the plights of pain, has felt the scars of suffering, a woman that was marked terribly by her troubles. Putting your faith in her as a healer and Yoga instructor is easy to do, as she emulates strength along with peace. She is the essence of honour with a humbled voice, a true warrior, embracing an echo of victory, surviving many storms by beating her bulimic disorder and embracing a better way.
If you wanted to learn how to conquer fear, loss, pain and suffering, heighten your self-esteem, gain more physical strength, release turbulent emotions and incorporate self-care practices you can find all of Rodina's upcoming online and in group session on her Facebook Page called; "MotherLand Natural Health" with a links below;
Event listing; https://www.facebook.com/events/1961596593922984/
More class information is at: https://members.motherlandnaturalhealth.com
Website: https://motherlandnaturalhealth.com
YouTube; feel free to subscribe- Motherland Natural Health
Works Cited
“Bulimia: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia.” MedlinePlus, U.S. National Library of Medicine, medlineplus.gov/ency/article/000341.htm.