Kids are great at giving, you see them in the play yard, or hear of them sharing their treats, their packed lunches are shared, clothing is shared on many occasions, hair clips are passed around, make up. For the boys, toys are shared evenly and effortlessly. Kids appreciate it, they hug and love to show their friendship and kindness by giving even the shoes off their feet. I think that is simply remarkable!
The gift of giving creates SUCH joy in the giver and receiver. It is an exchange of "I have this, you don't-here you go, enjoy"! I love to give, to many and of many different things. The act alone, makes me so happy. I do it on a whim, when I am not in want or need of something-or even if I do like the item a lot, do still want it, may still need it, may still be dear to me-but feel the other person would benefit much greater then me by having this or that, big or small. I love the random acts of kindness, of sharing, giving, the thought behind it and the energy it gives you and as well, others.
I saw a show a few months ago, where this group of individuals was using a "Happy Meter Device" Everyone scored a "Happy Reading" except the one girl out of the group. Although she was smiling, laughing, she did not score Happy. The group of individuals tried everything to SEE what would make this girl happy. They gave her new puppies to play with for a day, still she did not READ HAPPY. They took her shopping and although smiling and having a great time, still the meter did not READ HAPPY. They sent her to the salon to get her hair and nails done, still smiling, although NOT HAPPY. Then, they gave this girl a Million Dollars, not hers, but she was set on a task to give this JACK POT to someone random. She picked someone who she thought could use it a random passer by. FINALLY, after handing over a MILLION dollars for the gentleman to keep, SHE scored Happy on the Happy Device. GIVING creates lasting joy, for me and for many.
You do not have to give material items, it could be time, helping someone in need somehow, even just a smile on the street as you walk by, or a great talk with someone you know. That for me is the greatest gift, the gift of giving...anytime or way...If you are thinking, OH I have nothing...NO, not true. You may have a talent of knitting, or crafting like my true sister in law, and gift her items regularily that she creates from ground up, from her joy and creativity, her love as she makes things and gifts them out. I heard one girl, pick up board games and puzzles for the nursing homes and just dropped them off at the door-HOW sweet is that??? If someone has not a lot and you have much of what is missing, in all cases GIVE.
Giving at Birthdays and perhaps other occasions is great, it does set the tone for a season or day, but to give random acts of kindness, a listening ear, a smile, a telephone call to someone who may need a friend, anything you can give from your heart is a sentiment really saying, YOU are LOVED and VALUED, YOU are WORTHY and IMPORTANT, YOU are THOUGHT of.
What would it mean say if the person you are giving to is about to give up, they have lost hope, to them their life is bleak, they can not see the silver lining, they have no reason to be joyful about tomorrow and want to call it quits. What would it mean if some random stranger went up to that person who was all out of hope and no zest for living. What would it mean if that person was randomly given a Lotto ticket perhaps worth more then they could ask for, or perhaps even a picked flower, or a coffee just handed to them...anything to just say...I see you, and there are better days ahead. That person would possibly light up and be able to crawl out of their despair and set off on a new day...looking forward to tomorrow and the next.
You never know what one smile would do, one flower perhaps, something so small or soo huge that you could actually MAKE that person's LIFE, by showing the good Nature of HUMAN KIND. If kids can do it, why can't we? Making a difference to show support, value and love in a way of giving and sharing
is the best gift of all.