Monday, 23 February 2015

Pot Of Gold; The Message is in The Gold

We have heard of this metaphor "The Pot Of Gold" many times through out our grand and wonderus, life.  The Rainbow and what comes next..THE POT OF GOLD.  We as young children have seen it on our cereal boxes, with a green suited man clicking his heels, or the decadent chocolates at Christmas time.  I truly believe and value that the Pot of Gold and the rainbow leading up to it is really the messages, meanings and learning that is often what what we seek.  Those messages come in pure GOLD.  That is the lucky part!

When we chase a rainbow, what happens, we come up empty, either in riches, are faith becomes lessened.  Until we one day learn we that if we sit and listen; the value of everyday, with every person you meet, the messages being brought to your life, the memories, the dreams still yet to be fulfilled and the meaning of a valued worth pure GOLD.

What happens if we spin our wheels, chasing something?  We get tired, restless, burnt out.  The messages though is where the real growing comes from and if you listen long enough...You shall see that, that knowing of growing is far more valuable then any Gold that could ever come from chasing the rainbow.

If we choose to fallow what is true to us, true to our senses, true to our knowing and our growing, then no one can step forth to take away any amount of growth that you seek.  It becomes clear over time, and has been said many times, "That if you want a life full of dreams coming true to reality, then produce something of service, value and give back".  Saying that, to be proud of a person who is giving back to the many, once like them, to hold a value in what you give, and be of service to those and above.  There is no fantasy in that.  It just is that wonderful, that real, that complex and that simple.  That is an actual life, a life force, a reason to be, and be better then you once were and help others along their path to be better then they were even last year.  To hold out your hand with whatever talent, gift, knowledge, practice is a life of value, meaning, full of inspiration and growth-that it really does not matter and can not be measured by any amount of Gold, Silver or points.  That is not what I seek, to be measured, given points or seek a hidden Pot of Gold.  I do have a very gratifying gift, that I do not take for granted and am thankful to be given the gift to help others-who may have been in search of their Pot Of Gold, still climbing the faint rainbow.  To be that lucky to be given an actual life of purpose is not a fantasy, it is grand to me in many respects!  To have that chance to say, I am, I can and I will and I will do it again because I know that I can!

..with out a doubt!

To chase the Gold in many senses is a key factor in what you want out of it just a magic cereal bowl, or box of chocolates?  Instead, why not shoot for meaning, purpose, love, kindness, growth and full potential, instead of monetary riches.  And in so doing, if you do what you like, you have a chance to have a something more using what you are passionate about...yes, feel blessed, from how far you have come on your journey...making your own way!  Make that pot of gold anything, but a cartoon mold of a pot of gold-and you too will see, that if you look within, you too have all that it takes to be of service, of value and to create an actual life, even without all the riches, plain to see, not a fantasy.  The proof is in the hands of the one who is all knowing.  Doing something good from your own heart, for the better and good of all people, is a force, a healing and blessing to those who seek it, but definatley not a fantasy, Just a real thrill of a ride..Not over a rainbow, but right in my own backyard!

Why I feel so blessed, because in my life from where I came, there was that much growth, so many hurdles, so many hard lessons, from where I came-all I could do was to look up, when I saw the rainbow however faint..I learned how important I was, the meanings and I grabbed strong and went higher then I thought I could, knowing too that others could do the same.  I remember where I came and that is why I feel so blessed and proud of the actual life that I was given.    

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