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Tuesday, 2 December 2014
I Want to Be Rich!
Most of many of our lives, we strive for Richness. Some do chase money most of their lives, maybe making some good money along the way...but again, money does not last forever; as well the material items never really lasts long does it? I found personally, if I am doing something for money and money alone, it takes a lot of the fun out of the task. Sure having money for essential items is wonderful, being able to buy things you have always wanted brings with it many feelings of greatness and self worth. When one feels and has riches from within, it is much more enjoyable, fun and long lasting.
My Mother taught me years ago, saying "You may not have a lot of money, but you are rich in such and such a way" It made sense to me, I thought about that a lot through the years. I would buy items again and again, they were not enjoyed for very long, the empty feeling not only in my wallet, but also these material items left me wanting more although feeling LESS. I think the economy, the way it has been over the years has helped in a sense. People are much more money conscious, I do not see people the way I use to, walking through a Mall, with 10 shiny bags full of weekly or monthly purchases....In this economy, it has taught the many to appreciate the smaller things, in so we have learned over and over NOW, to feel Richness in other areas, instead of money alone. Some are blessed with a beautiful family, a close and loving family, or some have many friendships that have a fun, upbeat and encouraging sense to them. These friends and family are their true richness. Some have a richness of a good business sense, with a great track record and contacts that in turn get them from A to B when dealing with their business world-now that small businesses have been on the rise. Richness is something different to everyone. Some have fabulous careers that are their foundation for a great life and a great family and home. My richness is like many in this day and age...I Have everything over and above I have every dreamed of. Maybe not the dream down to a science, but my dream is fruitful to myself and living it each day is a ride I will never get off.
I felt so very rich today, where I use to be able to go out and BUY easily a washer and dryer brand NEW; mind you on credit and over and beyond my means, which really did leave my wallet empty and once I got use to the idea of having a NEW washer/dryer, I would then, shop for the next small or big purchase.
NOW, I spend my Sundays Making crafts and baking for the week. That in itself feeds my soul completly. Never thinking prior I would want to spend or even get joy out of such simplicity. I did purchase a washer and dryer, not paying with credit, but searching for the exact right working laundrey machines with the right price-I ended up feeling SOO Rich in harvesting my sense of ownership and in the end PRIDE. Feeling Rich from within, is a sacrifice to some (or can be). For me it is much more of a journey then an instant pleasant destination. Where it would take me an hour to shop for big ticketed items, the smaller, some what useful, thought out, or hand made items gives me a LIFT in the Richness we all hold within. Being Thankful on the emotionally Rich journey is Fun, Challenging and at the same time, the thought process and learning gives you a much more gratifying sense of abundance. If someone gave me a Million Dollars, sure it would be nice for anyone of us....a year later...That Million, would not change very much..Maybe a boat in the yard, a new home etc. Still, finding true richness in whatever area in your life you are Rich, be truly Prideful and Thankful that you not only have a full fridge, a full life, a loving heart, a giving heart, a nurturing soul...the wisdom of knowing that you ARE actually RICH is a heartfelt blessing that lasts FOREVER.
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