Monday, 16 February 2015

Family: A Poem For A Day

Family: A Poem For A Day

I have a Mom and Dad,
There love is plain to see,
they give me shelter, help me grow and learn-
They mean everything to me!

They give me clothes to wear, buy me shoes for my feet,
they give me all that I need and food to eat,
even help me feel better when I scrape my knee!

They are always there-offering a lift and a caring hand, 
though may not understand,
I sometimes cry; hide in my room and don't really know why?
I feel sometimes odd and a little bit shy.

If I tell them how I feel, they to may hurt just like me,
But I can't carry this weight on my wee shoulders, 
I feel buckled at the knee's.

I have to tell someone that I don't feel quite right...
I really don't want to make a big deal-
this is life Right?

I will tell my BIG brother, he will know what to do and say,
he has been with me too,
each and every single Day!

I told him my secret, that I feel so sad,
He did not make me feel bad, I'm so relieved and feel so glad!

He said your secret is safe with me.  I sometimes feel the same way...
When I feel blue or different,
I will come to you, without feeling any shame!

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