Saturday, 4 April 2015

YOUR choice, Dream.

Someone once told me, don't ever give up on your dream, you can do anything!  That person believed in me...I was young and innocent and looked to them for encouragement...when I was tired, sad, lonely, happy, thoughtful, joyful, eager, restless, feeling good about myself or bad...IN each instance I had someone, cheering me on.  I was LUCKY for Lucky for that.  That person taught me to dive, taught me to believe in me as a young girl.  The rest I taught myself or LIFE taught me and I was full ears.

Then someone said, believe in yourself, but give up on your dreams?  A sort of mixed message..but someone I tend to look up all cases...I can not nor will I.  You can not give up on who you are and you can not help who you are...YOU just are.  

(The week in the life of a person who has to keep going, has to keep on, has to dream BIG, live by there word, live respectfully by there mottos, values.  Learns from hardships to become who they are, become who they see they can be.  Without excuse.)

Someone told someone to not follow a dream, that seed, led to unfulfilling matters, unwaivering mis use, mis trust, mis communication, mis fortune, being mis lead and that person ended up feeling miserable.  WHY, because the INTENTION within that person was not being looked after, there DRIVE was not being looked after, their DREAM was being tested, their ABILITIES were being tested, their MOTIVATION was lacking.  Things then Fell to the ground, and the pieces were to be picked up one by one, two by two then three by three...That person had to look themselves in the mirror...and that person Had to ASK

"Why is it that people seem to be picking on me, why do I have bad luck, what am I doing wrong in my life, to have such catastrophes at my door, trying to push it out, but it keeps coming back, more and more"

When that person asked deep down, WHAT IS IT...what is it that is happening..when all around me are horrendous things taking place, out of my control...horrible things...with no victory and no end it seemed.

The answer was....

"Because that person was NOT following their Dream, their Desire, their LIFE, Their devotion of who they are when they are pursuing that dream"  When that happened...When the person GAVE UP, for whatever reason, when they decided to turn their back on WHO they are, their course in life, something they cultivated...EVERYTHING around them...FELL apart, the cultivation was being left for others to tend to...that person had to cultivate once again, NOT from ground up, but where they left off"  SO the cultivation began"

People became wicked, and there was no PURPOSE...

TO have a dream and FOLLOW it is a CHOICE, ONE choice, MADE many times!!!! I vow never to turn my back or listen to someones ideas about my dreams, my choice, my ambition...When I am closer everyday...I am Happy when I write, for the purpose there are many...for others, for thinking, for clear air, for reaching out, for others reaching back, for understanding, for fellowship, for groundedness, for unity, for LOVE, for LIFE, for health, for offering something to the place I call home; Earth, to contribute, to give, to create, to harmonize and perhaps as I keep going...OTHERS will to!

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