Monday, 10 August 2015

Gesture In The Way

A young girl stands in a crowd, a circle of people that she did not know, had not known.  There she stood there anyways talking, chatting seeing what they were about.  As too, they wanted to see who she was, why she was even here.  Actually what the hell is she doing here?  They laughed, had a giggle and then another as they puffed away on a smoke, they light up again to pass their nerves.

She see's a guy, standing there, feeling in a small way somewhat bad for him as she did not notice him, felt rude and unkind.  She asked herself.

"Why is no one talking to this guy"  He stood almost part way off the circle and seemed to be sinking, as if in a puddle covered in quick sand.  She spoke.


He smiled, as he moved away from the thick quick sand to discover, not only did she say hi, the rest of the crowd followed.  Noticing that he was not a part.  He was some what bigger, taller, suspecting this could be a reason he felt to rather stick to his quick sand.  They lit up a third smoke to pass the nerves, giggled and laughed.

The girl did not think much more of him then that. 

Later at school, the girl carried on her regular routine, going from class to class, locker to locker always forgetting her locker number, having to always get her best friend to open it, who remembered the digits, regularaly.   Nothing though was ever, ever stolen from this girls locker, the best friend would not need any of it anyways, nor anyone.

The girl went to her next class, not one she really favoured as she stared at the chalk board more often then not, ridiculously messy and scribbled on.  Instead, she wrote on her paper pad-able to look down and away from the chalk board catastrophe. She would sometimes gaze up, around and see that the board was looking fuller and more difficult, she would try to understand the concepts as they were being sped along, then rubbed out again too quickly.  Then as the Teacher, piled on more chalk notes, she was reading what was hidden underneath of the newest catastrophe.  She caught on the last rubbed out lesson and learned from there.

Never once did she ask a question.

There was a mix up, something ridiculous happened.  There was a new boy in the school, he normally kept quiet like the rest of the bunch, no one really cared for each other at this paticular school, they all seemed miles apart.  

Greg was also looking at his paper pad, doodling the notes hidden or not, seeming though to understand more then her.  flipping through the pages with his pen writings he knocked over his can of pepsi on to his desk- the fizz was not the worse of it, nor was the pepsi that would not be tasted.  The fact that it spilled on his paper work, ruining whatever page he had forged up.  Quickly grabbing the pepsi can that fell flat on the floor, spilling down his leg, he looked up knowing he could not, not be noticed.

Up from her desk and running over to him, wanting to cover up the mess.  Grabbing her paper pad, ripping out the pages, she stifled to soak up the liquid remenents.  It was no big deal it happened all the time, no one laughed as the class was sure to be past all that.  It was cleaned up.

He had nothing left to write on and though he too had nothing to really take from the chalk board massecure, he could not continue with any part of the day, not even his language class, the class where he did like to flourish. 

Lacy's hands were sticky though, she did not want to lick her fingers with pepsi spill on it, did not really know what to do to take off the grime. 

Again though, she was lost in thought, looking through her pages of doodles.  Class was near over, looking through her bag for more paper, grabbing more then a handful, him, he was searching through his bag almost frantically for the same.  Lacy grew from her chair, walked down the line, turned and dropped off some paper on his freshly cleaned sticky desk.  Looking up from his desk turning towards Lacy, Greg gave her his hand sanitizer already pulled out from his bag.

Lacy smiled, squeezed the bottle on to her hands about to scrub them clean from the pepsi glue.  Dropping the sanitizer on the desk, him picking it up and said.

"Keep it"

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