If someone said to you that if you think, believe and act with a positive mindset all your dreams will come true, would you? If you were a glass half empty "type of person" and someone said, if you believe everyday with all certainty that great things will come your way, everyday, would you then think the glass is half full? I would! To be down in the dumps to me is for the birds. Positivity is a force, a huge force just like any other. A vibration. Just as true as negative...! Would you not want the best chance for all lovely, beautiful, wonderful and great things going on in your life and around you as much as possible? I would! It does take practice, truly it does. Do you think that Luke Sky Walker when approached by Yoda saying to him "Let the Force be with you" would say ahh ninny to that, forget this thing. NO, he believed, he had to...for him it was life or the other. So with the FORCE, belief and positivity, he prevailed, managed to do what he was set out to do. He listened and learned the way of positive force.
I was possibly once negative, actually not believing in my self and abilities were at the core. I gave up, sunk, and wondered why I was always spinning my wheels to get ahead. I really don't think I was a stick in the mud, but believing in others way more then my own talents, character and skills was a work in progress that took years to get over.
NOW believing in myself, abilities, the universe and all wonderful things; I can not even imagine being the way I use to be, thinking the way I use to think. To get past that, the low self talk I always listened to, I had to think, believe, act and LIVE positive like nothing else mattered or it was sink, sink or swim and keep swimming! It was a force that I had to grab a hold of, with all belief in the process, with every thought, every moment. Always to think, what is the BRIGHT side. Now a self proclaimed bright side thinker I am able to look at any situation as to say, there has to be a lesson, a reason and it MUST be a good one.
Waking up everyday, really is a beautiful experience for me and I could not see it any other way, now that the force is within me as second nature. Positivity is not just a word, to throw around, it is a way of life. I think of the Pro Baseball players, or hockey, skating, whatever the sport. They imagine winning, imagine the trophy, spend much time cheering their team members on through all of their training, the coaches feed them words of go go go get em'. They do not think I believe for a second that they are going into a game or competition to loose, one thought of loss can be costly for them. WIN WIN, whatever you do. There are setbacks in life, but to see those setbacks with a positive frame of mind all the time, no matter the circumstance is a WIN in itself. Life happens, but a cheery disposition, a smile, a nice word, a compliment all these things measure up to having a glass full no matter, flood, winter storm, flat tire. To wake up, take a breath, think of all the wonderful things that could and may come your way is the best start to your day-even beats coffee in the morning!
Sure of course there may be times of "not so sure" about whatever endeavor that is being saught after, there can be doubt. The outcome has many things to do with your ways of overcoming the fears and doubt, how that is handled, rising to the occasion says VICTORY every time.
To wake up everyday hating to go to work is a waist. There must be at least a few things that is exciting about the work day ahead. A co-worker, a client, being a mentor yourself? The force of positive thinking is a very HUGE step in all of your dreams coming true, I really don't think that any person that followed there dreams or chosen path did so with a glass half empty mindset. Wake up with a smile and just watch how the day unfolds. You would be amazed how the force takes you along so effortlessly to everything you could have hoped for.
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