Friday, 9 September 2016

I'll Paint You A Picture

A young girl, stumbles into a life of many drama's.  She is eager to please and helpful in many ways.  Thrilled to be a part of something, part of a group.  She fits in, people in this group, hug, love, smile, exchange pleasantries.  This group laughs and jokes about, this girl is their for them time and time again, as they all are!  The girl loves their company for a long time.  Then time stood still,  and the magic it seemed to have vanished.  This girl falls in love, which whom the man was part of the group.  He fancied her and she was delighted to call him love.  Between the two of them hearts from years past were mended, they grew fond of each other.  It was only love that did this!  At first the group accepted this, as they saw this group member to be whimsically happy.  This did not last, through-as I said time stood still.  Devastation arose and grew deep with in the group, which she was now a part and now through tragedy and loss, she was tossed and thrown as the group held a lot of pain and wanted for her to feel it perhaps just as much.

She hesitated once or twice in matters of the heart and love, she knew the hesitation could ruin her. Though, she was finding that she was at the barrel end of a game called sabotage. .  This confused the newest group member.  She came from a place called love.  Where there weren't any motives within her that were driven by hate, jealousy or rage; or any ill feelings.  She continued to love, and love the place she had found with her true love.

Through time, this emotion grew poison inside of them.  And so they painted a bad picture of her, to whomever they would meet or cross.  The times were hard, though the group continued to progress each in their own growth.  She seemed to do the uncanny, the impossible, she set a path for herself like none has ever seen.  She made her way, hoping to make believers out of disbelief- in a place where there was very little.  She did this along with her love, who was also tormented by this group and the hate that they projected, he simply loved her, and of course this would hurt them.  They chose not to see the beauty, not just in her, but others and in life.  It was hard to hear of the misery that corrupted a once beautiful group.  They did not speak of highlights, or even dim lights.  They spoke of a missed life.  And time went on, though heavy burdens were being carried by all!  This girl still did what she could for the group.  A few times out of emergency.

Then all but lost hope.  One of the group members was caring for a loss, maybe a few losses.  Another of the group members understood this and both became bitter and their love for many things turned to more hate, more rage and more ridicule, no matter who they met or crossed.  The loss of a young sole, not meant to be on this earth, laid deep with in the groups hearts and soles.  It was miraculous what happened next-though sadly; this brilliant miracle seemed to cause more sadness, drew more sabotage and vengefulness.  More descriptions of the newest group member were being past around in every ill form -to the many they crossed along the way.  Still this girl believed in miracles, believed in love, believed in forgiveness, understanding the hurt, and the impossible.

She grew from this pain, and joy came to her.  Her love was by her side, every step, her feelings were hurt, his thoughts and views of her now were becoming vague, because of the ill spoken words towards her.  Still she loved with everything, believed in herself as well as her love as she always had faith by her side.  This group chose to see what was not good perhaps, when there was so much good to be seen everywhere.

Then when it was not suppose to be, a life of a little creature began to grow inside of her.  And it grew big, and it was out of sight.  The miracle's flourished around her, just as they always did, thinking that the life inside her may be due to her faith and the place she comes from; called love!

The group detested the fact that this life was thriving in her and thriving to this day, because theirs were taken from them.  This loss was dearly missed for all of them, and changed their thoughts completely.  Though out of this pain and torment a baby boy was bestowed upon the newest group member; as something to hold, keep and treasure for eternity!  Something she wished and prayed for had been given to her graciously from one place called Heaven.  This was a gift, something she thought she would or could never have.  A baby to call her Mother, as this was their first to be born to them and him to be called Father.  Though the hate grew stronger again and again over time.  The groups ridicule and unfairness turned to a point of damage.  This girl though kept loving, kept living, joyously and purposefully, she then was only true to only her, her Son and her love-her Family!

A baby was born, out of pure joy as well as pain. And love- just as many of the miracles happen this way -to the ever lasting significance of pureness, out of complete condition.  This girl became a Mother, a good and a great Mother, the Father, there was no one better!  Though this new bouncing baby boy, very fantastic already-she new that she could carry this boy through his life and teach him the good things that can only come out of love and wonderment, and all the great joys of life, the courage to think beyond criticism and ridicule.  To look at himself with all the love that there ever could be and to grow strong, not in his prejudices -but to look out in beauty, even when hatred lies within the few! To concern himself with the good instead of what is not good.  Turning only to love and above! 

There was a death, of the worst kind ever imaginable.  This death was to us a tear that can never be mended but only in ways that hurt now.  As this terrible tragedy could never be undone.  To paint a bad picture, why would anyone of value ever want to do that-No one would buy it.  If one were an artist would they ever paint a bad picture, I don't think so and not on purpose.  To do that would be a waist of energy as well as talent.  To paint a picture of love could only be beautiful. 

This girl though, she knows how this group feels towards her, how through the tested times, she may have been blamed although, through no fault of her own.  She lives her lifestyle well, and believes in better and better and the grand; she believes in Faith.   She only now wishes that others can see only true beauty, fantastic glory, and the wonderments that are everywhere.  This girl, believed in  miracles and wishes coming true, her whole life and that somehow good things will happen for her.  She believed this as a young girl, because she had no other choice, if she did not believe, she would not be here.  Even so young, she would have to pray being-hung by a string, hoping for better days. Then she found her faith, she found herself, she found her voice and place in life, she found her love, and grew knowledgeable still, she grew from this and her family grew-for the VERY FIRST TIME!!!  As, she tries to forgive and understand why people paint this awful picture, she smiles instead, believing that she will be good anyways, and that she will smile harder, be more kind and tolerant, and that life is also good, as well as the people in it.  Mostly her Son in which he came.

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