He was not much for words, he almost detested them. They seem garbled and he mixed them around-to the point of almost blindness. They seemed foreign. What grew in him was anger, resentment, almost rage and uncertainty because of this. He was angry at the world and himself. To read seemed effortless to everyone and he wondered why he was held back. He became closed off from many things because he could not put a sentence together. If he was in need of a language skills or writing skills he would first have to seek someone out who would take the proper time to tend to these tasks. Filling out application forms or resumes was a useless attempt, seeing that he could not put his thoughts into words and onto the pages. He became still and restless. No one knew what burdens he carried inside. He was the absent writer.
Time went on, as it does daily in every part of the World. To him though, time was the enemy, since he could not boast about reading. Every part of life seemed to turn him off. While most people were able to read road signs to get them selves to work, do all the normal tasks at work, and the ones that had a ridiculous amount of writing, he was absent from life, in many ways. He woke up, knowing that there would be a handful of words that he would not be able to pronounce. So to save his integrity, he denied life on so many levels. Missed opportunities, missed deadlines, missed communication, a missed life- And an absent one.
Many times he would meet people, trying not to discuss this set back. As he would sit in a restaurant, he would be timid of ordering anything, or if he saw something he wanted, was never sure if he was reading it properly, or pronouncing it in proper restaurant style.
This man, was charming, artistically creative, thoughtful, caring with a multitude of other fantastic qualities. Some people though, could not get past his writing and reading difficulties. They were not right!
He had a partner though, who was a person of the written word, she loved the one subject that he had so many draw backs, she supported and nurtured his development and hoped along the way to give him strength and to remind him to be fearless and fierce in life as there would be no other way. She wanted him to believe in himself and to go forth in what he always wanted the most; a career in what he was passionate towards, his brilliant Art! And they were magnificent! Together, they binded close together and brought out the best in each other. She too had many draw backs, character flaws, ailments that she was also trying to move forward and beyond. He would help her in this. Together they triumphed!
Six years after meeting, having a Son of their own, they were pledged together in harmony and love. They attended church and became quite close to their Christian Faith. Together they purged on in love and war. At first when they started attending Church, the Woman, Mother and Wife noticed that her fellow Man, Father and Husband would not sing along to the songs, she felt for him, though she was so proud of the Man that he was! He would stand up to sing, but nothing would come out. He could not sing-he could not read the words that made up the song. Time and time again-he would stand up in the pews, while everyone would rejoice in song and belt out choir hymns, this Man stood silently still. She loved him even more as they continued on gaining strength and care.
This Couple, did not give up!
One Grand Day; a year after attending church services, The Man was feeling much better about his place in life, he felt better towards the World, he felt better towards his love for his family behind closed doors, he felt better about his Art and in many ways, for the first time in so very long, he became more confident in his daily tasks. Things did not seem as troubling as they once were. He stopped beating on himself- over his poor writing and reading skills. He stopped blaming himself and others, he stopped feeling stuck and he carried on. His once heavy feet seemed now to be light and free. This Man and Family attended Church to worship; just as they always had. On This Grand day, the first song was about to be shouted from the people in church. The Woman, Mother and Wife stood up, The Young Boy was held delicately in her arms, The Man, Father and Husband stood up. The beautiful hymn was about to start, she looked over at her husband with eyes of delicacy as she knew he would not be singing. She looked away and continued to sing reading from the words and lyrics. She heard a muffling tone beside her, she looked over again, and saw that her husband was joining in and belting out the hymn, reading every word, every lyric and chorus, keeping up with speed and tempo. And she was delighted! She realised this: This Man who she loved so dearly, was so tormented through the years of his struggles and attempts with writing and reading that he became paralyzed out of fear and embarrassment. With confidence he sang the words, with confidence he proudly sang in a room full of people that had no idea of his difficulties. With strength he overcame his shyness and sang hard and strong and fierce!
This was the Grandest day in their lives; this Man was only known as the absent writer to himself, no one else and no more. He went on in his life proudly to succeed in many things, that would be unattainable to most. He became more charming everyday, more confident, more loving and warm, more kind, he grew more strength, he handled life with more certainty, he became the man he always knew he could be, and became everything he thought he could not be, He Was Human!
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