Monday, 9 February 2015

The Soldier

I saw a sight, a brilliant sight,
Was I in delight, you betcha that is right!

It came in a dream,
so vivid so sereane,

You showed your love,
From the clouds up above.

You were gentle and kind,
You listened as I whined.

I could not believed you appeared,
In that awesome dream, felt so real!

A Grandfather, so grand,
I kissed your strong held hand.

I spoke your name,
I got to see your face.

Showing me you are here,
with us to give hope, maybe take away some fear.

Making me feel strong, as you caught me off guard,
So nice it was, I think from heaven above.

To say good bye, as I wiped my cry,
A strong soldier you are, even if so high and far.

Your a legend to me as brave as can be.

The love of an angel, deep and alive,
a shelter for my troubles, although I miss you most times.

What could I do, but wish you could stay longer,
knowing you had to leave, as my knees became stronger.

I do not weep for you, that you have been gone,
I know from deep within, how your love pours in.

Guides from heaven above, as real as a silky white dove,
as it was so real to me, a soldiers face and a grandfather protecting me.
as you lit up the sky, once again we said hello, then goodbye.

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