Friday, 15 August 2014

Create Your Life-Poem

Create Your Life
Poem by:
 Tamara Thompson

So they say it can't be done,
Six days later though HE gave us Sun.
You want something, but aren't quite clear,
Dream big my friends, your the one that stears.

They say, oh no it won't happen to me,
How could I go off on a limb and be all that I can be?
People will laugh at me if I fall and fail,
Well do it anyway, you WILL surely sail!

I want it so bad, my dream of all dreams,
Create your life your way, even if it is not yet forseen!
It takes practice though to get up and go,
To say "this is me, what I want", so give a good show.

Pay no mind to nay sayers, that is all they say,
Pay attention to your nature and all that you crave.
If you need help on your way, it will come you will see,
Everything happens for a reason-most times it is your detiny.

Give it all that you got, and never give up,
Never quit and never stop!
It will be wonderful your exquisite life you made,
don't waist your talents and gifts don't let them get away.

Stay true to your self and all that you do,
Other's will see a big change in you and might even admire you!
Don't stop and think, oh what if?
Just do it my friends, you get the gist.

You can't fail if you get up each time,
try again and again to create a life that shines.
Why shouldn't you, you are what you are,
Shoot high and wide my friends, just shoot for the stars!

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